Calibration> Checkboxes
VERUS provide a calibration and certification service second to none. We are able to provide traceable calibration of all Checkbox makes and types, even original TRADA models whether purchased from ourselves or not. We use traceable standards and have unrivalled experience including overseas data on species where this differs from UK data.
If you own a moisture meter and a Checkbox it is not necessary to return both checkbox and meter to be re-calibrated externally, only one of them, we recommend just the Checkbox. This is since the rules of ISO 9000 and ISO 17025 require traceability which is either achieved by all moisture meters being re-calibrated externally, or a reference checkbox being calibrated externally. For a company with two or more moisture meters, it is certainly cheaper to just have the Checkbox re-calibrated annually with moisture meter calibration undertaken in house by your own staff. Even with a single meter it is more convenient to have the Checkbox re-calibrated annually and not lose the use of a meter. You should keep records of your periodic in-house calibration available for audit by your external quality scheme assessor. Our calibration service is based upon oven dried wood specimens, traceable weights and reference resistance values. This method has been endorsed by UKAS.
Charges - Calibration, certification.
For all Checkbox models at time of purchase Free of charge For all models and makes of used Checkbox £105