Products > Accessories
A range of accessories is available for modern Protimeters that are fitted with a 3.5mm socket, that includes all LED Minis. Digital Minis, Surveymasters and Timbermasters. The Temperature Sensor will only fit Timbermasters.
Heavy Duty Hand Probe
- Heavy Duty Hand Probe as supplied with Timbermasters and Surveymasters. Pins easily replaceable 25mm long
- Total weight 56 grams
- Replacement Collet Nut (to secure pins) also available
- Pin spacing 25mm pin to pin
- 3.5mm jack-plug, 90cm lead with pin protector supplied
(v5042) £40.00
Light Duty Hand Probe

- Light Duty Hand Probe as supplied with with Protimeters - LED Mini & Digital Mini
- Light Duty Hand Probe pins are not replaceable
- Pin spacing 12.5mm pin to pin
- 3.5mm jack-plug, 90cm lead and pin protector supplied
(v5043) £25.00
Heavy Duty Hammer Probe
- Popular robust accessory supplied with 90cm lead to enable use with all modern Protimeter wood moisture meters
- Teflon-coated insulated pins measure moisture at any depth up to 32mm
- Surface water has no effect on readings taken if coating intact
- 3.5mm plug enables use with all Protimeters manufactured since 1978
- Replacement 3.0 x 65mm pins available in packs of ten
- Supplied with 2 fitted pins
- 72 x 40 x 340mm (pin cover not shown), 920 grams
(v5041) £224.00
Hammer Probe Pins
- Standard Protimeter Hammer Probe pin (pk 10) 65mm x 4mm shoulder x 2.8mm shank as fitted to discontinued Hammer Probe (shown left) (v5050)
- Depth Gauge Hammer Probe pin with screw fitting (pk 10) 50mm x 3mm shank (centre left) only fits Protimeter depth gauge hammer probe (v5049)
- Old style hammer replacement pin (pk 10) 50mm x 2.5mmshoulder 2.1mm shank (centre right) (v5049b)
- Standard hand probe pin (pk 20 plus 2 collets), 25mm x 2mm (shown right) pins also fit Mini meters fixed heads of new Timbermaster and Heavy Duty Hand Probe (v5051)
- Hammer pin shanks are coated with insulating resin except at tip to ensure surface moisture is ignored during measurement
- All types normally available from stock

(v5050) £65.00 (v5049) £75.00 (v5049b) £70.00 (v5051) £60.00
Deep Wall Probes
Protimeter 'Deep Wall Probes' are 130mm long insulated but for their tips (v5046). They will plug into any Protimeter moisture meter and measure moisture conditions of a timber or masonry wall regardless of surface dampness or contamination by salts. Two holes are drilled at least 4mm in diameter, about 40 mm apart, gradually increasing the depth for each measurement and thereby building up a moisture profile through the structure being investigated. Remember the heat of drilling may temporarily reduce the moisture at the bottom of the hole, allow for this. (Longer size available at 340mm - v5061)

(v5046) £55.00
(v5061) £70.00
Temperature Sensor
The Protimeter Temperature Sensor facilitates automatic correction of moisture content in wood with the Timbermaster when readings are taken at high (kilning) or low (winter) temperatures, thus avoiding manual correction. Fitted with a 2.5mm plug and 90cm of coiled lead it can be placed either into a drilled hole, or between planks. It is used simultaneously with the Heavy Duty Hand Probe or Hammer Probe and gives immediate automatic correction to readings.

(v5047) £99.00