Products> Hygrometer> Verus Model N18

The Verus model N18 instrument is pocket size and reads air humidity and temperature. It has a precision capacitance sensor with fast humidity response so minimum time is spent waiting for readings to stabilise. It is backlit and so can be used in poor lighting with a sensor sampling rate of 2.5 samples per second. It is primarily a fast response tool for site operations, not a laboratory reference.

Where mould or damp problems occur this is an essential tool to determine whether the moisture is arising from the air or another source.

  • Humidity range: 5-95% RH, with accuracy: +/- 5% RH at mid range, +/- 6% RH otherwise.
  • Air temperature: Instrument uses thermistor and type "k" thermocouple; accuracy: +/- 1�C.
  • Battery: one 9 Volt / 1604 / 6F22 or equivalent alkaline cell.
  • Dimensions: 226 x 48 x 34 mm deep; weight: 182 grams with battery.

Calibration. This instrument is serial numbered and is accompanied at supply date with a traceable calibration certificate suitable for meeting ISO 9000 calibration requirements. The intervals between recalibrations should be appropriate for individual users needs normally 12 months.

 (v5003)  No longer available