Meters > Protimeter Mini & Digital Mini

The Protimeter LED Mini is a conductivity moisture meter designed for use in wood. Calibrated for European redwood/and Scots pine (pinus sylvestris). Moisture measurements can be taken using the integral pin electrodes or using the meter in combination with various moisture probes or a Hammer probe. The instrument will switch off automatically after 4 minutes. The new Digital Mini includes all these features but has a backlit digital display which lends itself to more precise written records of moisture content.


  • Protimeter LED Mini (v5034) widely used well liked robust meter with measurement range set for European redwood.  Conversion tables to most other wood species supplied
  • Accurate between 10 and 30% moisture content to +/- 1%, less accuracy outside this range
  • LED facia readings from 8% to 100%mc
  • Fits accessories - Hammer probe, Heavy Duty Hand Probe (HD)
  • Auto switch-off after 60 seconds (user selectable to 240sec)
  • One handed use with built in probe, pins set 13mm apart, 7 mm max wood penetration depth
  • Supplied with soft case & Mini hand probe on 90cm lead 
  • Takes one 9 volt cell supplied
  • Pocket size 180 x 50 x 30mm, 164gms
  • Suitable for Verus Checkbox Calibrator models II and IIIu


  • New Digital Mini (v5035) identical grey case to new Timbermaster
  • Accurate between 10 and 30% to +/- 0.7% with backlit digital display set to European redwood scale, supplied with Soft Case and Mini Hand Probe on a 90cm lead. Automatic switch-off after 50 seconds. 



